Marcellos Ponder was born in Griffin,Ga on May 20, 1977, but was raised in Atlanta GA. on Simpson Rd. His mom tells the story when asked, when did he first start drawing? She replie's "since he first picked up a pencil". All thru school you can find him hunched over at his desk drawing. "I always created little comic books, throughout my childhood" states Marcellos. " Plus that was my hustle in school drawing for money!" he adds. HE understand now, that this gift was GOD given, so it has a purpose in his destiny. A way for him change the world!
In 2008 BM Comix was created with it's first series STREETNERD being the spear head company. STREETNERD gives a perspective of the world seen by teenager Streetnerd. Who navigates the streets of his neighborhood and high school hallways, as well as the world surrounding him. And for the more mature crowd we have STOOPID HIGH , HEADHUNTER, and STREETLIFE coming soon!!